ShopCal Shopping Calculator


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ShopCal is a simple and straightforward shopping calculator to help you keep track of how much you're spending as you shop. It lets you add each thing you buy as you shop, as well as keeping track of the quantity and the name of the items.You can also now use multiple lists, keep the screen on while shopping, and add sales tax to your purchases.This app is for people who want a shopping-friendly way to keep track of what they are buying and spending as they shop.
The app is currently designed for phone screen sizes, but I am working on a tablet friendly design too.
Features:* Add items as you shop* Include the quantity and item name* View your current list in full* Delete and edit items in your list* Send your list by email (or other app)* Easy access to common items* Show item percentages (of total)* Landscape UI support* Tablet UI support* Keep the screen on while shopping* Multiple lists
Future features:* Customisable common items lists* Feature requests